Is Zakah on Money Saved for Marriage Payable?
Zakah should be paid on the money saved for marriage if it reaches the minimum and remains with you for one full year
Zakah should be paid on the money saved for marriage if it reaches the minimum and remains with you for one full year
Women must refrain from participating in such games if such movements affect and move desires as well as arouse lusts
Muslim children can purchase these fireworks to display their joy and celebration for the occasion during Islamic festivities.
These disjointed letters could have been intended to draw the audience’s attention and make them more attentive to what follows.
The faithful are commanded by the Qur’an to revere, keep, and honour their womb relations (relatives) and not harm them in any way.
According to Islam, the children are born naturally Muslim anyways. You could agree with her to ‘let the children choose’
There are many levels of walaa’ and also levels of baraa’, depending on the people and the way they deal with Islam and Muslims
Try to avoid packaging or transporting pork whenever possible, and if you must, make Istighfar and possibly support it with a charitable donation
It is extremely unwise to force a person to abandon a basic principle and pillar of religion for the sake of a secondary matter
The principle is that zakat should be disbursed in the country of origin, unless there is sufficient supply or a well-defined need outside the country.
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